The Mushroom Microdosing Manifesto
A Brief Guidebook for Your Microdosing Journey
Since the publication of The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide in 2011, the once-underground psychedelic medicine practice of microdosing - which involves taking subperceptual doses of psychedelic medicines such as psilocybin intermittently over extended periods of time - has exploded across the globe.
So the potential gains from microdosing could be immense.
But how does one microdose? Who should do it, and who should avoid it? How long should you do it, and how do you know if yours is a true microdose? How does one get started, and how does one reap the most benefits from it?
All of these questions and more are answered in THE MUSHROOM MICRODOSING MANIFESTO.
In this book, you’ll learn...
Interested in enhancing your microdosing protocol?
Then see how Medicine Box’s Mind’s Eye nootropic microdosing supplement stacks up!
Harmonize your cognitive function with clarity, focus, intuitive flow and memory support with this synergistic blend of botanicals, adaptogens and essential nutrients.
We’ve created a mixture of shroomies (fruiting bodies only), herbs and minerals (only the best in small batches we can find) to give your brain an extra boost during your dosing days and added momentum on your rest days.
Now available in our Shopify store!